What We Do
A Center For Grieving Children is a support center for children, teens, and their families who are grieving the loss of someone they love because of death, divorce, or separation. We also have support groups for children in foster care, and families with anticipatory grief (a loved one who is dying). There is no cost to the families that use our services. We are funded through foundations, organizations and private donations; we do not receive government funding.
A Center For Grieving Children was created to assist children and their families through the grief process by encouraging them to share their feelings with others who have experienced a similar loss.
Our groups provide an environment in which bereaved children can safely mourn, and where they are allowed to explore thoughts and feelings about their loss in a way that helps them be compassionate with themselves and others.
A Center For Grieving Children offers mutual support and acceptance through listening and sharing. We respect each individual family's belief system. In our program, we learn and heal ourselves by listening and sharing. Our goals are to support and nurture children and their families in a loving and understanding environment as they experience grief.
We hold workshops and give presentations to provide education and training on grief and the grief process for community agencies, schools and families. We provide crisis intervention and consultations to schools in Utah. We have a library with materials and books available to the public.
We offer support groups for children ages 3 through 19. Separate groups are available for those grieving due to the death of a loved one, divorce or separation, and children in foster care. A typical group includes up to 10 children and 5 trained volunteer facilitators and staff. An adult family member or care-giver must accompany a child and may participate in the adult support group which meets simultaneously.